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We are committed to the protection of the privacy of your personal information provided to us.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"By using our Site, Services, or providing us your personal information, you agree to this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound and abide by our Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any term in this Privacy Policy, do not provide us your personal information or use the Site.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Collected Information\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"“Personal information” is information that identifies you and is associated with a specific person. Personal information does not include information that is anonymous, aggregated, or is no longer identifiable to a specific person. We may collect the following types of personal information about you through the Site, including but not limited to:\")]),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_vm._v(\"When you register, you will be asked for basic registration information, such as an email address and password.\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"You may also be asked to provide identification information to confirm your identity, including your first and last name.\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"For certain Services, including the CashTamer Store, you will be required to provide your credit card number, expiration date, and credit card security code. Credit card information is not transmitted through or stored on CashTamer servers.\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"We collect information about your interaction with our Site such as computer browser type, pages visited, average time spent on our Site, IP address, unique identifier of the device, operating system version and app version.\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"We may request or receive other personal information such as feedback, questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas to provide you with other benefits or to improve upon the Service. In such instances, you will be given the opportunity to provide or decline that information.\")])]),_c('p'),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Use of Personal Information\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We use your personal information to:\")]),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_vm._v(\"respond to your inquiries about our Services;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"fulfill your requests for our Services;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"analyze Site usage and improve the Services provided through the Site;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"alert you to software compatibility issues and to improve our Site design and functionality;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"deliver to you any notices or alerts and communications relevant to your use of the Services;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"perform market research, project planning, product development, troubleshooting problems, analysis of user behavior, marketing, and promotions;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"detect and protect against errors, fraud, or other criminal activity;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"enforce our Terms of Use and as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy; and\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"in connection with a merger, sale, of substantially all of our assets, or corporate reorganization.\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"In order to allow you to use certain Services, we may be required to verify your identity. We may use your information to verify your identity in the event you contact us for assistance with the Site or Services.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We may use your information to pre-fill form fields on the Site for your convenience.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Disclosure of Personal Information\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We will not, without your permission, sell, publish, or share your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to share or disclose your personal information with law enforcement, government officials, and other third parties:\")]),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_vm._v(\"to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"in order to investigate, prevent, defend against, or take other action regarding violations of our Terms of Use, illegal activities, suspected fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the legal rights or physical safety of any person or the security of our network, Site or Services;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"to respond to claims that any posting or other content violates the rights of third parties;\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"in an emergency, to protect the health and safety of our Site' users or the general public; or\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"as otherwise required by any applicable law.\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We may share your personal information with other third parties with your consent or instructions to do so.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"If our company or our assets are acquired by another company, or in the event of a merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization, or liquidation, we may transfer, sell, or assign to third parties, information concerning your relationship with us, including, without limitation, personal information that you provide and other information concerning your relationship with us. Such third parties will assume responsibility for the personal information collected by us in connection with our business operations or through our Site and such third parties will assume the rights and obligations regarding such information as described in this Privacy Policy.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Changes to Your Personal Information\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"You may access and update much of the information you have submitted to us at any time via the Site.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"You may choose to delete your account for the Service at any time. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove your information, although some information may be retained on a backup server or media, which is necessary to help ensure continued availability of our Service.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We retain your personal information as long as necessary to provide the Services you have requested. Additionally, we may retain personal information to comply with law, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, trouble shoot problems, enforce our Terms of Use, and as permitted by applicable law.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Links to and from Other Web Sites\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"Our Site may offer links to other third party websites for your convenience and information only. These websites have their own privacy and information collection practices and security measures.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Use of Non-Personal Information\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"When using our services and offerings we may also collect non-personal information − data in a form that does not permit direct association with you or any other specific individual. Aggregated data is considered non-personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. If we do combine non-personal information with personal information the combined information will be treated as personal information for as long as it remains combined. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non-personal information for any purpose. The following are some examples of non-personal information that we collect and how we may use it:\")]),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_vm._v(\"We may collect information such as language, zip code, area code, unique device identifier, location, time, and the time zone where our Site is accessed or used so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our offerings, programs, products, services, and advertising.\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"We also may collect information regarding customer activities from our other programs and offerings. This information is aggregated and used to help us provide more useful information to our customers and to understand which parts of our programs, offerings, and services are of most interest. \")])]),_c('p'),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"As you navigate our Site, certain information may also be passively collected by us or a third party service provider. This information includes your Internet protocol address, browser type, domain names, access times, operating system, mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity. We also use cookies and navigational data like Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to gather information regarding the date and time of your use or visit. This type of information is collected to analyze the use of our offerings, programs, and services to make them more useful to you and to provide you with relevant offerings.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Protection of Information\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We take the security of your information seriously. We use technical and administrative security measures such as but not limited to firewalls, encryption techniques, and authentication procedures, among others, to maintain the security of your online session. However, no complete assurance can be made against all cyber attacks and other security breaches. To safeguard against unauthorized access, you are required to login to certain secure areas of our web site using a user name and a password. Both user name and password are encrypted when sent over the Internet.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Third Party Offers, Advertisements, and Data Collection\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We may use third party service providers to help us analyze certain online activities. For example, these service providers may help us measure the performance of our online promotions or analyze Site activity. We may permit these service providers to use cookies and similar technologies to perform these services. We do not share any personal information about our customers with these third party service providers, and these service providers do not collect such information on our behalf.\")]),_c('div',{staticClass:\"mb-16\",attrs:{\"id\":\"cookies\"}}),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Cookies and Tracking\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We may aggregate information through cookies, or alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through the web browser. This allows us to collect and track information about you and your activities online at our website over time and across third-party websites or online services including, but not limited to, your computer's network address and operating system, the site from which you linked to our Site, the time and date of your visit, how you use our offerings, programs, services and what offerings and services you use. We may also link this information with other personal information about you and may use this linked information. This helps us to recognize you, customize, or personalize your utilization of our Services and to store such information in between visits to our Site. It also allows us to aggregate demographic and statistical data and compilations of information that may or may not include personal information and provide this information to our business partners, third party vendors, and service providers. By doing so, we hope to understand our members' needs and desires so that we can make new offerings to them or tailor existing offerings to fit their desires. \")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Minors\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"Our Site and Services are not intended for minors (or those not of a legal age to form a binding contract with CashTamer) without parental consent. We do not knowingly collect personal information from these individuals. If a minor (as defined by law) provides us with his/her personal information without parental or guardian consent, we encourage the parent or guardian to contact us to have this information removed and to unsubscribe the minor from future communications with us.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Questions or Concerns\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"If you have questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us using the contact link at the bottom of the home page.\")]),_c('p',[_c('b',[_vm._v(\"Modifications to this Privacy Policy\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"We may modify our Privacy Policy from time to time, so please review it periodically. If our practice in using and/or sharing personal information changes in the future, those changes will be reflected in this Privacy Policy.\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"This was last updated on September 21, 2021.\")])])],1)],1)],1)],1)}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./Privacy.vue?vue&type=template&id=3073f08c&\"\nvar script = {}\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports\n\n/* vuetify-loader */\nimport installComponents from \"!../../../node_modules/vuetify-loader/lib/runtime/installComponents.js\"\nimport { VCard } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VCard';\nimport { VCardText } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VCard';\nimport { VCardTitle } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VCard';\nimport { VCol } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VGrid';\nimport { VContainer } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VGrid';\nimport { VRow } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VGrid';\ninstallComponents(component, {VCard,VCardText,VCardTitle,VCol,VContainer,VRow})\n"],"sourceRoot":""}